Saturday 24 December 2016

Christmas Eve special!

So this post is a little more centred towards those with small children because lets face it, one of the things that makes Christmas more magical is the things we get to set up for the little ones. They are the purest ones who still believe in all of the cheery figures that we often think of with this holiday. Here are some tips that I have found to make christmas eve a little more special for everyone:

- Santa footsteps- Dip the tread of some work boots in  flour/baking soda and glitter and "walk" them from your front door/fireplace to the tree. The kids will go crazy when they see it! (Then just hoover it up during the wrapping paper cleanup).

- Reindeer food- aka (oats and glitter) for the children to sprinkle outside your house to give the reindeer a wonderful snack while Santa brings the presents.

- Santa key if you have no chimney- Growing up, we didn't have a chimney so we always asked how Santa managed to leave our presents. (It's a very worrying thought for a child trust me haha). A key for is the perfect way to let the jolly man in and stop any worries from your little ones. Plus there are some wonderful old fashioned key designs to make it just as enjoyable to look at for you too.

-  Make a Christmas eve box- this is something new for me but seems like the perfect tradition to make permanent in any family, no matter what everyone's age!

The perfect Christmas box


-Pj's: You know how lovely it is to get into a brand new pair of pajamas...think of how exciting it is not just for children but for yourself getting into fully festive night wear!
- DVDs: pick out your favourite festive films and put one in the box to watch just before you go to bed (or make a day of it and make it a marathon).
-hot chocolate mix: (maybe in a cute little jar) and some candy canes for decoration- perfect for drinking with your film!
-Cookie mix in a jar- to bake fresh ready for Santa when he makes his special visit.
- Another Santa letter: to bring things up to another level, how about maybe even a letter from Santa telling the young ones how proud he is of their great behaviour and he's looking forward to having the yummy cookies he knows you made for him!

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas for tomorrow. I hope you all get what you wished for.


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