Sunday 19 November 2017

A-Z of Recovery: Nourish your body (and soul)

It’s getting back to that time of year again where issues with food are more prominent. Thanksgiving and Christmas are holidays where there is a large emphasis on food and eating with large groups of people. For me, those things are still hard if I am having a bad day. It’s really important to remember if you’re struggling with food that you’re not alone. I try to remind myself of the wonderful things that my body has helped me to do on a daily basis and that I need to treat it with the love and care that it deserves.
While it’s important not to focus solely on food, it’s good to remember the amazing things that food can do to help us. Think about the nutrition that it can give you, the energy, how you use that energy etc. it’s all really amazing when you think about it. Here are some of my favourite tips to keep in mind;
Eat when you are hungry. Rest when you are tired. Surround yourself with people that remind you of your inner strength and beauty.
Talk to someone. If you have worries about coping then talk to someone that knows about your struggles and they will be able to support you. If you talk to your parent’s, then they may even be able to alter some things to make you feel more comfortable
Make time to relax. This time of year is where stress levels really hit their heights. There are so many events to attend, things to do, people to please etc. Just remember that you should be your priority. Its okay to say no to some things and just take some time to relax and figure out what you are going to do that way you don't feel too "snowed under".
Time-out. Make sure that you plan some time regularly where you can have a little time out from everyone and their expectations. Sometimes it can be very tiring to make sure that you stay completely strong for people, whether that’s during the holidays or not, so to ensure that this doesn't affect your recovery, make sure that you dedicate some 'me-time'.
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