Wednesday 7 December 2016

A-Z of Recovery: it is possible

It's that time again! Time for another one of my Recovery posts. I love to write this kind of stuff. I have said that so many times over that past few years but going back to the roots of my blog every now and then feels just great. Plus it makes me feel just that little bit better when I get to realign my thoughts this way.

If you were to ask me 3 years ago if I thought I would be where I am right now then I would have laughed in your face. (As harsh as that sounds). I was broken inside. Everything seemed so hard and I just wanted to give up. Life was so hard.

I think as a group,  all humans are always trying to find ways to compare ourselves to others, even to the point of thinking "well they're worse off than I am. They struggle more than I do". It's all crap. Whether someone has more issues to deal with or not, that doesn't make your struggles any less important.  Whether you needed professional help to feel better or not, it's important to accept that you had an issue and it needed action.

It's very easy for us to think that the way we feel right now will be the way that we always feel. I know that personally I thought I wasn't gonna last, I figured that by now I would have completely given up because I was empty inside....but I didn't give up. I fought for my life. I fought hard. Some days are good, others bad. That's life.

I think the thing to remember is that you have to save yourself. It's hard to get better. It's a daily struggle but it IS POSSIBLE. You have to find things that work for you. Try new coping techniques, try talking to someone , whether they're professionals or just loved ones. You have to tailor your recovery to your own needs. No one knows you better than yourself so only you can turn things around.

Life can be difficult but we can either take it lying down, and give up or we can stand up and fight. There are so many things that can happen in our lives but we never give them the chance to blood.  This is YOUR time to bloom.

Stay strong, don't give up hope.


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