Sunday 26 February 2017

A-Z of Recovery: Knowing you are enough

In today's society, whether you're struggling with any kind of Mental Health issues or not, we all constantly feel like we are not good enough. There are so many different kinds of social media accounts where, let be honest, we often only talk bout the best parts of our day (and that's okay- blog post coming soon about this!) We seldom feel comfortable enough to talk to other people about our problems so we pretend that they aren't there and get on with our day.

Because of this, we all constantly think that we are not as good as the people that we look up to. Whether that's your friend, a family member, a celebrity or even your dog (you never know right). We always see people in the street and think "oh gosh, if only I looked like him/her"...but I can guarantee that that person probably said the same thing to themselves about someone else recently. Someone probably even thought that about you!

The point is, we constantly try to make ourselves more like other people because we think that they somehow have a better life than we do. Whether they have a better job, a 'cuter' partner, a beautiful looking home or even nicer hair. We need to stop comparing ourselves to other people because we will never be happy otherwise. It's time to take a good look at yourself and see the good things that you have. You should never feel that you are not good enough for another person or that you are not good enough to do something. we all are beautiful individuals and we all deserve the same chances in life, no matter how we look, where we came from, how we dress etc.

Take a look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself "I am enough. I am worthy life. I deserve happiness". Repeat this whenever you see yourself in the mirror and let your powerful mind do its thing!


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