Wednesday 15 February 2017

Self Esteem Tips

I know that saying that you are going to try to re-build your self esteem is a lot easier said than done, no one has a fool-proof self esteem. There are lots of different things that effect all people differently. there is no set way to help re-build your self esteem and it isn't easy or a quick fix which is what has often gotten us into our messes anyway. Quick fixes do not last long and they often cause more harm than good in the long run.

Building up your self esteem and your confidence is going to make a lot of time and a lot of effort. It is a tedious process and it can be very frustrating and very easy to revert back to your old ways. If you make sure hat you know what you want and you concentrate all of your energy on achieving that goal then it is made a lot more achievable.
Here are some tips (they will take a lot of work and you have to be persistent in order for them to begin to take effect)
  1. Read to build your brain- this sounds quite confusing and even quite scary at first but what it basically means is that if you gain knowledge on the things that have become your weaknesses then you then know what you can do to change the way that you think and react to certain things and situations. 

  2. Exercise to build your body- a lot of self esteem problems are caused by our wrong impressions of our body. We try to get quick fixes to get the body that we want and it just ends up making our self esteem lower as we begin to feel like we are not good enough. Exercise is a healthy and permanent (as long as you stick with it and accompany it with healthy eating) aid to some of our body problems. It helps to give us an extra confidence boost with the thought of our bodies now being able to do something that 2 weeks ago we wouldn't have even dreamt of being able to do. The way that the body and the mind works is such a fascinating thing and exercise helps us to understand ourselves better and get a better handle of things that we can and cannot do and the things that we can strive to do I the future.

  3. Meditate and pray to build your spirituality- now I know that some of you will be reading this and saying "yeah right" but even if you are not religious, you can still meditate, it is very good for us to be able to sit in a quiet room and just let the worries and the stress of the day just fade away. Meditation and prayer are often ways to hep solve problems that we are facing through allowing us to be able to sit and really think about what is troubling us and then to find some solutions to the problem.

  4. Make new friends to build your social skills- okay, so I will be the first to admit, my social skills are so rusty that I'm not even sure how I have friends at this present moment. Your social skills are skills that are going to take you through your life. It's not something that you can say (although I have tried to many times) "well I don't like to talk to people, so I wont". It can be a very scary thought to think that there are lots of people out there who you don't know who you will have to talk to but it is just a part of daily life and to be able to make new fiends really makes you feel loved so it is a great confidence booster.

  5. Eat healthy- whatever you put in, you always get out of life. That is one thing that I am always being told by people so if it works that way on the exterior then it should work the same way for the interior. Eating healthy and keeping fit are great ways to improve self esteem as it makes you very body and life proud. You don't have to hide in the corner eating that extra cake after you have already had one and you don't have to pretend that you are not about to pass out after having to run for the bus. The confidence comes from the inside so to ensure that the confidence is as high as it can be, the inside needs to be as good as the outside. Exercise and healthy/balanced eating helps you to radiate confidence and sleep better which has a positive effect on your life.


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