Monday 6 June 2016

A-Z of Recovery: Choosing Life

I'm really enjoying writing this series. It's not only something that I like to do for you guys but writing about all of the reasons to choose recovery really reinforces my choices within myself. It's great if I'm having a bad day and I have something like this to read (or even to write) because it shows me just what I have to recovery for.

When we are in the midst of our darkest times, we often think that there is no reason to get better, that nothing will ever be good in our lives again, or at least that the good stuff will never stay. I've got one question for you will you ever know if you give up trying now?

There are so many possibilities in the world; you could be destined to be the next president, to be a doctor, to be a therapist, to be a friend, a lover, a parent. There are so many people whose lives will not be touched by your presence if you are not here. No one persons life is more important than another, we all have a difference to make, whether its small scale or large.

Even forgetting the people, what about the things you can do, the things you can see or experience? There are wonderful places in this world that need to be seen, memories that need to be recalled in order to live on,

Extraordinary things out of the way, there is no way of telling the things that are in store for you in the future. I like to think that in the future, we all have a family waiting for us, the people to love and cherish us and to make us feel whole. Giving up now would be giving up on that dream.

Choosing recovery is the way to get your life back, it is a tough process, but slowly but surely you will get your mind back and your body. Your thoughts will become more of your own, you will be able to feel a larger range of emotions (yes, even the nice ones!). You'll have more energy, you can see more people, do more things. The possibilities are endless my friends!

Life isn't made of guarantees. Where would the fun be if it was? The choices are yours, be sure that the one you choose is one you can live with tomorrow. It's never to late to make a change.

- Louise x


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