Wednesday 14 September 2016

My top 5 ways to unwind

So for me, University begins again in just under 2 weeks so I have been enjoying what little time is left to relax in. I'm a firm believer that no matter how much work you have to do, you should always find some downtime to fit into your schedule. I've not followed this advice in the past and got myself in a right mess because of it. Throughout this holiday, I have been pretty successful in giving myself some time off because I have a lot of stuff going on. I've indulged in the things that make me happy and I want you to know that that's a good thing. Find some of the things that make you happy and make time for them, no matter how busy your life is. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Top 5 ways to unwind

A good book...duh!
Everyone knows that I'm a book nerd... and proud. I can get lost so easily in a good book and since I've really branched out into self help books and mindfulness books, I've found that I really am a lot more positive with the world!

There is quite literally a playlist for every mood, every moment and every person. There's nothing I love more than having a mini concert (come on, we all do it) and dancing round like an idiot. its the best workout ever and so much fun!
Y'all know how new I am to Netflix and all of its wonders but I absolutely love just lying there in bed of an evening and staring into my laptop screen until the wee-hours.

Talk with a friend
Whether its just via text, face to face, whether you make a day of it etc. Sometimes just being with someone that you care about and doing something fun is just what you need!

This is something that I have preached about for years now but only recently have I taken it serious enough to actually see the results for myself. It's really amazing just how much difference it can make to your day!

I'm a creature of simple comforts. What are some of the things you like to do to unwind?
Louise x

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