The meaning behind this post really resonates with Sundays post. Just because someone suffers with a Mental illness (or any kind of illness), doesn't mean that it should have to be the be all and end all of your life. Its an issue that needs to be dealt with and will take constant care and attention. It's very easy to let it become the center of everything you do, to let it dictate who you are and what you can do. You are in charge of your own life, if there is something that you know will undo your hard work then of course, leave it alone, but don't restrict yourself just because you are afraid to let go.
One of the greatest things about recovery (for any kind of illness) is the freedom you gain. You eventually get to the point that you're not tied down or hindered by the thoughts, the feelings etc that you've faced in the past. This isn't a fast acting thing. There's no way (that I know of) to begin recovery and completely feel fine straight away. It's a constant progression from the life that you used to have, to one of love and acceptance.
The freedom that you are given comes from accepting your faults, the things that aren't "perfect" about yourself, and accepting that they help make you who you are. Without these struggles you wouldn't be who you are today. Without mine, there would most likely not be a blog for me to write my twists and turns of life on, you would not be on here and so many things would have changed. I don't know if anyone's life would be "better" or not if these struggles didn't happen for anyone, but I do know that we are all blessed with certain experiences in life and without these issues we would never stumble across the paths. There is a reason for everything that begins and ends, it's for us to make the decision to understand it.
The best thing that you get back after recovery is your life, you can finally go through your day and not have to obsess over food or things that trigger your problems. If you are in recovery for eating disorders then you can finally go out and eat with your family and friends. If you are recovering from things like depression then you can finally go out and have fun and not have to worry about others thoughts of you. You can be yourself and let yourself so the things that you have deprived yourself of doing before without feeling guilty. You can wake up in the morning and know that things are okay, that YOU are okay and that you are strong enough to get through anything. Your life can finally be centered around your health and your wellbeing. This is a great and empowering feeling and it makes recovery worth all of the pain before getting there. Recovery teaches you to be grateful of all of the small things in your life.
Its truly a blessing to understand the different parts of your soul and know that it helps make up who you are. Mental Illness is not a label, it's not an excuse for certain behaviours, it's a lesson and it is one that should be very important to you. You've grown into such wonderful people and encountered a strength inside yourself that would have lain dormant if it had not been tested.Know that everything happens for a reason and keep hope. Keep walking your path and doing what feels right to YOU.
Embrace who you are and let go of the strain. it doesn't make you weak to have suffered.
Louise x
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