Wednesday 2 March 2016

Let me explain...

So once again I'm apologising to you all about the lack of posts that have been appearing my blog. I often have the good intentions of writing lots of them, in fact I regularly even plan the titles, and the content and out them into a diary so that I am fully scheduled. the issue is as good as those intentions are, there are most often things that happen that just plain get in the way.

Recently I had a bad case of the Flu, coupled with a nasty chest infection so all of the wonderful things that I had planned for you all have gone out the window. I was even planning my YouTube videos to be filmed on Valentines day...but sadly none of it has happened. but that's okay, now I am spending my time trying to catch up with the university work that I have missed, caring for sick relatives and preparing for new assignments so my posts have once again taken a backseat.

One thing that I have found out about myself is that little posts like these where I am basically just having a little chat with you all are the ones that I enjoy writing the most and they often just go together really quickly and easily so you may find that this happens a lot more in the future. I have very much missed this part of the blogging where there are no set posts that I have to write about one specific topic. It gives me a lot more creative freedom just to write whatever I have on my mind at that point in time.

Throughout it all, you've all stayed loyal to me (even though I've had to draft numerous tweets as well just so that you can get regular updates) and I cannot thank you all enough for that.

Any setbacks in life, no matter how hard, we must take in our stride for they often have hidden meanings. It just takes the right time in our days in order for us to understand.

I love you all,
Louise x

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