Wednesday 30 March 2016

A-Z of Recovery: Asking for help

No matter what issues we are suffering from in life, it is very important that we acknowledge that help is at hand if we just have the courage to ask for it. A lot of the time, people can deal with their issues alone and with a lot of success but there are instances where talking to someone or asking for some kind of help is the best possible decision you can make.

Remember the saying "a problem shared is a problem halved", well think that through whenever you're dealing with something. There are so many different people that are there to support you if you only ask.

This can often be one of the most stressful times for a teenager, with exams, friends, society, how you look, homework etc. It is a time where everything seems to have so much importance. The issue is, its often seen as 'stupid' or 'uncool' to ask for advice or explain to your teachers that you're struggling. I personally had to go for help to my head of year and one of my teachers, it was a really hard and embarrassing time explaining my issues and how my thoughts work but I'm so glad that I did it. I got help with deadlines, I knew where to go if and when I was having a bad day or a panic attack etc.

Friends and family
These are the people that know the most about you and generally can understand just how your personality works, this means that if you work with them to get something that is individual to you and may therefore be better. Plus the support of family and friends is very important if you have to make any lifestyle change, even if they are only emotional because they can point out to you when you're doing it wrong or if you've managed to keep it up. 

Although I said above that family and friends are great to talk to, sometimes its harder to talk to the people that you know because you fear that they will judge you or it will affect the way that they treat you in the future. Professionals are the people that have trained for the very situations that you are in and have the know-how of what to do to influence it for the better. Whilst this information isn't 100% guaranteed, its always good to have different perspectives on how to deal with your issues, you can even personalise them into something more suited to you.

Never be afraid to speak up or ask for help
-Louise x


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