Wednesday 16 March 2016

Healthy Lifestyle apps: Lovestyle special

So as you all know, one of the things that I really enjoy doing is working out, it leaves me feeling like I've had such a good and productive day. Over the years I have downloaded many apps, watched so many YouTube workouts etc and I thought I would share some of the ones I'm using now with you all.

As someone who really enjoys not just the physical aspects of this exercise, but also the way it helps to reprogramme your mind, it's not shocking that I have numerous yoga apps on my phone. One of the ones I find myself reaching for the most (and that we actually used to help create the Sticks and Stones posts) is called Yoga (.com). I absolutely love this app because it was perfect for me as a beginner to the practice but also great as I have progressed.

To begin your knowledge, the app provides 289 poses and breathing exercises to ease you into your new lifestyle. Not only this but there are also 37 different yoga programmes, with different specifications for beginners, breathing programmes etc. This is great for me because each video can be selected by "goal" or duration so you can always find something to fit you individually. My favourite at the moment is the 9 minute 'fight cold and flu' programme to aid my immune system.

Download on the Android app system here.
Download on ITunes here.

General fitness
Planking is something that I have been doing semi-regularly since I was 11, this is because we regularly made it a part of our PE classes. It's something that is so simple and yet can have such a large effect on our bodies. Planking uses your entire body weight against you and so is a perfect short exercise, without the need of any equipment.

Following the "30 day plank challenge", there are set planking goals ranging from 20 secs for the first few days to 300 seconds on day 30. You might be thinking "20 seconds? that's so easy!" but honestly when your holding your entire body weight up, it is actually a hard exercise. It's really great when I share this app with friends and family and they begin the first day being sceptical but I watch their muscles shake after just 7-10 seconds of holding the pose. It's a great way to tone your body without being time consuming!

Download on Android app store here.

Since beginning my recovery, I have had to be very careful with the amount of exercise that I do and the specific kinds because if there's something too strenuous and I cannot do it for the allotted time, the negative self thoughts begin. Now "Blogilates" is in fact run by the wonderfully positive Cassey Ho who gives such wonderful bits of chit chat as you're working out together (Pilates, cardio etc). It feels so warm and friendly that I find myself enjoying the way she pushes you to find a new strength in yourself but while you feel as though you are chatting with a friend (yes I talk back to a computer screen...don't judge me haha).

For videos on exercise, healthy eating and inspirational messages, follow her on YouTube here
Download on Android app store here.
Download on ITunes here.

Plank, Fitness, Muscular, Exercising, Girl, Shape

I hope you all enjoy looking into these apps, and don't forget, to exercise isn't a punishment for yourself but as a way to show it you love it enough to be the best that it can be.

Stay strong,
Louise x


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