Wednesday 11 January 2017

rise and shine: Morning affirmations

Ever see those pictures of people waking up with a huge smile on their face and a sunny disposition?  Yeah it's a load of pants. I've always felt bad for not waking up in the morning and not being as "happy always larry". But that's completely okay because this is an unrealistic view of starting the day. If you're one of those people where this situation is actually a reality then that's honestly great, I'm glad you can naturally have a smile to start the day with. At the same time, if you're like me and you don't then that's completely okay too. I work hard to get myself in a good mood and motivated to start the day, it makes me feel empowered to know that I can have such a big impact on my day. One of the ways that I do that is to repeat affirmations to myself throughout the day. These start from a little while after I have woken up and continue throughout my day.

The best thing about these affirmations is that you can personalise them. No matter what you're going through, who it includes, your worries and your strengths, these messages can be made individual to you.

Here are some examples of one's that have often helped me through some tough times,  whether they're exams, bad days, anxiety over new experiences etc.

Morning affirmations;
- I am feeling healthy and strong today
- I have all that i need to make this a great day
-I have all the information needed to solve any challenges that come up today
- I have the knowledge to make smart decisions for myself today
-I make the right choices all day using my inner wisdom
-I am happy and content with my life]i am patient and calm and greet the day with ease
-I am filled with gratitude for another day on this earth

Take control and learn to love yourself.


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