Thursday 5 January 2017

'Me time'

So in such a modern world, it is very hard for us to find the time to take a step back from the constant rush of life and actually have some "me time". There is always something that we find to do, some last minute piece of work that you forgot or you are suddenly expecting company so you have to quickly get the house (or your room) in order, which then causes you to panic a little.

In all of these little demands, we often forget what it even means to have some time to yourself or even what it feels like.  In fact, a common issue for people who actually want to have me time is that they do not actually know what some ways are to have time to themselves. Most people see if as going to the spa or going shopping. Now obviously, these are actually examples of how some people relax and that's perfectly okay but for me, I prefer simpler things that I can include into my schedule easily.  'Me time' is anything that you know that you enjoy, that de-stresses you and inevitably improves your mood. It is most often our "escape route" in times of stress and that isn't a problem. We all need a little space to just forget about our troubles for a while before getting on with dealing with them. It is a time to rejuvenate our souls.

Here are just a few examples of me time, feel free to comment any ways that you like to relax and have time for yourself.

  1. 'Dance as if no one's watching'- if there is nothing that I love more in this world, its to just put my earphones in, put my music on shuffle and just dance. It makes me feel so happy, it is a great workout and it also helps me to release any built up emotions. Come to think of it, right now whilst I am writing this post, i am listening to music and singing along at the top of my lungs. I cannot think of a better start or end to the day than that.
  2. Read- so everyone pretty much understands that I am a complete bookworm (and proud). My nose is almost always stuck in a book. Just being able to escape to another place, to get so immersed in another place, other characters and their story line for a few hours is so relaxing. We tend to forget the magic of just picking up a book and becoming absorbed in a story. 
  3. Pamper yourself- whether this is having a good old soak when you're up to your chin in bubbles or you are painting your finger or toe nails, a little bit of pampering almost always does the trick of making us feel beautiful.

How to get more me time in your life:

  • Schedule it- everyone knows that I love to do lists. They are great for me to feel organised and productive. I can map out time to do coursework, exercise and just some time out to myself. So give it a try. Dedicate some time to do something that makes you happy.
  • Meditate- meditation allows you time to think about what we can treasure in life and how to deal with whatever is troubling you. 
  • Go for a walk- Just take some time to turn your brain off. We are almost always thinking and worrying about something or another so take a walk in the local nature reserve, park or even by the canal. Just go somewhere where you feel relaxed and absorb the peace and serenity that it has to offer.
  • Take a long lunch- we spend so much time rushing that we actually don't even manage to enjoy time sitting with friends during the lunch hour or just separating ourselves from work. I have spent many days sitting eating my dinner whilst working at the same time. It is very tedious and I end up feeling like I haven't had a break at all. Taking breaks allows us to refresh our minds and relax a little before continuing our work with a refreshed perspective.
  • Take a class- this can be any class of your choice; something that you find interesting or you want to learn more about. this can be one of the highest forms of self care because it allows us to grow as people and more often than not, it unlocks passions in us that we did not know existed so GET OUT THERE!
Take the time to treat yourself the way that we always want to treat other people. 
Love yourself first.


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