Wednesday 18 May 2016

What does 'Happiness' mean to me?


If this isn't your first rodeo then you guys all know that I am completely obsessed with quotes. It doesn't really matter what they are about, I just love them and have so many books on my shelves full of them. I've always found it amazing how just a few words from someone can change the course of your entire day, they are perfect for something to read in the morning and just put life into perspective. 

Using this post as my excuse, I've spent slightly longer than is necessary on Pinterest, Tumblr and even Google images just reading some of the fantastic quotes that people have written. I thought I would share some of my favourites with you all. Hopefully it will help to brighten your day and maybe you can even come back to this post if you're ever having a bit of a down day. 

I love this because everyone always thinks that in order for someone to be happy, their life has to be this picture perfect thing. The truth is, if we waited for this moment to happen then no one would feel what it is like to be happy. Happiness is embracing the moment, accepting the bad and encouraging the good to flourish. Your day will always be mixed with highs and low but that doesnt mean that you have to obsess over either kind. Life is about balance. 

I think one of the things that influences our mood the most is the fact that we often surround ourselves with the things that don't make us happy. While it's not realistic to think that we have to love everything that we do, I personally think that its super important to try and make a balance in your day of the things that you do like and the ones that you don't. Maybe there is even some way to improve the activities that you don't like doing. E.g. if you hate cleaning then why not blast some of your favourite music and have a dance while you're at it. Then you've even got your workout in for the day too! There is no need to make ourselves suffer when we can easily make small changes to make the situation better.

Once you have mastered your own mood maybe you can share your light with someone else? I'm a firm believer that you have to help yourself before you can help others (even if I don't always take my own advice). One thing that is really easy to notice though is that people love it when someone is able to make them feel happier...and it really boosts your own levels too if you can do it. Maybe try this win-win situation, whether its with a stranger or a loved one and just see how it brightens everyones day!

One thing I have always noticed is that when someone is in a positive mood, it just radiates from them. It's so nice to be around someone like that and I know that lots of other people feel the same way so just wait for the right kind of people to hopefully start to enter your life. 

Just remember though, no one is happy all of the time. Although its a great emotion to experience, it's not going to last forever. You have the right to experience whatever emotions you want. True success in life is accepting all of your experiences, either as lessons or blessings. Treat your emotions the same way.
Louise x

Note: all images sourced from Pinterest

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