Wednesday 13 April 2016

How I got out of my blogging rut

So if this isn't your first rodeo over here then you will know that recently I have suffered with yet another bout of blogging blues. I'm not the first to have these, and I certainly wont be the last. Bloggers, no matter what their niche, all experience this at least once during their blogging journey...and thanks okay. There's no way that any one person can stay motivated with one thing for months or even years at a time without feeling like they need a change because they are bored or have ran out of ideas.

Originally, the change from a solely recovery and Mental Health based blog created a lot more opportunities for me to continue my journey but the change between the two was very daunting and thus, my first rut was born. The amount of consistency on this blog over the years has been up and down like a rollercoaster because life got in the way. Now that's not to say that its a bad things, because we were very good at sorting out the more pressing issues that we were facing and then we used the free tme after that to return here.

Pretty much since the start of 2016, I have been really very good with my consistency of posts...which as you all know is pretty much a miracle... but I did it! I'm really getting back into blogging a lot more and I'm enjoying it just as much as ever because now I have freedom. I have the freedom from my thoughs that used to weigh my down.

Heres how I picked myself up out of the blogging blues;

- Chat with Frankie- so she is one of my favourite people that I have ever met over the internet. She's like my Nanny McPhee, I love her so much. Whenever I have something great to share or im in need of advice or help, she always there...through the good and the bad. It's really great when I get her perspective on things- she just somehow gives the right kind of advice for every situation! It felt so good to get everything off my chest and she was very quick to point out where my struggles were originating from!

- Not focusing on statistics- followers, likes, Rts etc. Like many people,  I've fallen into the trap of caring more about how many people are reading ym tweets, reading my blog posts, liking my photos on instagram etc and you know what? It's exhausting! My self worth and the worthiness of what I do isn't contingent on how many people shoe their interaction. Some days it's High, other days it's low...and that's okay. I'm doing what I love and that's all that matters.

- Writing what I want rather than what I think will get peoples attention- it's really easy to get bored and unmotivated when you cannot carry on doing something that you love. This blog means the world to me but constantly feeling like I had to write about certain topics rather than what I actually wanted to is really demotivating. It just took the love right out of it. Although views and interaction is obviously important in its success, I made the decision to put that stuff out of my mind and write what I wanted to Write. At the end of the day, if you guys like it then you'll read it...if not then that's cool too, but someone out there will like it!

- Getting back to my roots- getting back to my old posts where I have literally done no planning and I just ramble on about how I'm feeling that day was so important to me. They are literally my favourite to write and I had convinced myself that planning was the key to improving my blog...while that's mostly true, the occasional spontaneous post is good for me!

- Not putting as much pressure on myself- after blogging for a few years,  it's reasonable to put the pressure on for great content, right? Wrong. While the content is important, the amount of pressure I put on myself (and I'm definitely not the only one) to post as often as possible with the best content, in order to get loads of views and comments was ridiculous! So out with that idea right away.

- A schedule (my title planning, post idea planning before the actual write, specific times and dates to post etc.) - Schedules don't usually work for me in the long run. I'm an avid list maker and I love making schedules but rarely do I actually manage to stick to them. One of my goals for 2016 was to be more organised on the blog.. this was a loose goal which meant less pressure if it "didn't go to plan" but in fact it's going great for me! I'm planning posts and writing in bulk whenever I'm in a writing mood and I always know what time and what day I'm giving out content.  It's given me milestones to meet and actually has made my life a whole lot easier.

- Reading other peoples blogs (something I've gotten out of the habit of doing)- one easy way to get more blogging ideas and to get the inspiration  to blog again is to read some of the other ones out there. It's as simple as that!

-Getting out there and doing things- both me and my best friend don't have a very avid social life but when we go out on day trips or go somewhere fun, it's really great because she is one of the few people who know about my blog so she's always fill of ideas for it! She's super helpful and especially since she started Perksofneverland, she's been like this little bubble of blogging heaven!

- Enjoying the simplicity of it all again! - the origin of this blog was just a place to voice my thoughts and potentially help someone with the knowledge of my experiences. Going back to that simple outcome has made it all a lot easier.  Forget about the people who read it (the amount of them at least!) Just do what you enjoy and you'll never go wrong.

All in all, I learned to ask for help and be true to who I am.
Louise x

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