Sunday 17 April 2016

5 ways to beat boredom when running

Trying to be active and live a healthy lifestyle is not the easiest thing. it can take a lot to be motivated on those dreary, cold days to get up and work out, for me running is the one thing I find really demotivated for. in order to combat this, I did some research about some of the ways that you wont be bored about the idea of running.

Try going up- Just running at the same pace, for long periods of time can be really quite a boring task. One of the ways to mix up your routine is to incorporate a hill or some stairs- it is actually a more intensive activity and includes interval training into your workout, plus the views you can see from the top of a hill are just its a win-win!

Change your route- find somewhere like a forest, stream etc. There are so many beautiful parts of the world so no matter where you live, there will always be some wonderful slice of nature that you can easily have access to. its refreshing to be able to explore new places and see all of the amazing things that I never knew existed! (plus it makes the time go faster).

Listen to something- I'm a music lover, and theres no better way in my opinion to make exercising better and more enjoyable than music! There is something literally for every kind of exercise (especially when a mini dane session is accidentally incorporated into your workout because the music is just that damn good!) If music isn't really your thing then what about an audio book or a recorded lecture? It's a great way to catch up with studies or stay up to date with your favourite novels\tasks.

Rewards- Pinterest has great ideas about using a coin jar and dropping £1 or $1 in every time you workout. When the jar is full, take the money out and buy yourself something nice. what about some new workout gear, some clothes or even a new book? (Alternatives to actual money is counters, then just like before, when the jar is full buy yourself a treat!)

Make it social- run with friends, family etc. I love it when I get to run with my friends, it gives me a chance to catch up with them, whilst we do our warmups (and especially during the cool-down afterwards). Plus, I find that I'm really competitive so I push myself a lot more and obviously get more out of it if I'm with someone else! 

I hope you find these helpful,
Louise x


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