Sunday 3 November 2013

"Attention Seeking"

This post is simultaneously a rant and an affirmation to those of you who have been called an "attention seeker" that seeking attention does not make you a bad person. 

All too often, I've heard people telling others "you're just an attention seeker, get over it" and similar things, and I am so done with it. There are a few reasons why this is basically bullcrap: 
  • Seeking attention is natural. It's not something to be ashamed of, and people need to stop treating it as if it's a crime. Literally everyone seeks attention - it's nice to be noticed, and listened to, and given affection, and whatever else you're after. 
  • It is a brave thing to ask for help. If the attention you're seeking is for something you're upset about, then it's brilliant and amazing that you have the courage to do so, and no-one has the right to tell you that you can't, that it's annoying, or anything else. Please, never let the fear of looking like an "attention seeker" put you off. If you need help, you deserve it, and that's that. 
  • No-one has the right to invalidate your emotions. You don't owe pretending to be happy to anyone. Whatever you're feeling is personal to you, and is real - you don't have to hide it, and people shouldn't make you feel bad for sharing it. The same goes for coping mechanisms. A lot of the time, self-harmers are accused of doing it for attention, when this is rarely the case, and when it is for attention it is a cry for much-needed and much-deserved help. Don't let anyone tell you the way you're feeling is wrong. There is no right and wrong when it comes to this; only negative and positive, and if something is harmful to you then you need help to stop it, not criticism and scolding. 
Make sure you remember these things if ever you feel (or someone else makes you feel) ashamed for seeking attention. It's natural, and can be a very good thing if you're asking for help. Spread the message where you can, and let's seek attention together! 

-E xo

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