Sunday 6 August 2017

New blogging routine and home truths

Hi guys,

So it's been a little sparse on here for the last few months. I've been trying to give myself some time away from blogging with the hopes that I can get some of my mojo back. I have been successful in sorting a lot of things out in my head that have been causing me worry lately (but not everything because I seem to never sort it all!). One of the big things I shared with you all in my previous post and it reminded me how much I love to just write chatty blog posts.

I'm going to be straight with you all, I knew that bloggers who have a specific 'niche' are able to grow their followers through building up a community around them of people who are as passionate about their subject and enjoy it as much as they do. Over 2017 I really tried to make a niche for my blog through including some of the things that I enjoy reading. Here comes the's not stuff that I like writing as much sometimes.

The truth of the matter is that my blog has and always will be a mixture of so many things because that's just who I am. I'm passionate about Mental Health and like to share my advice and my story, I love chatty posts, I love photo diaries, book lists and so much more. There is no way I will ever be solely a "Mental Health", "bookish" or "beauty" blogger because I'm all of those things and more.

One of the ways that I have been enjoying not only the writing of my posts more, but also the planning is by just writing whatever it is that is inspiring me at that moment. If that means I've bought a new face mask and I love it, or I've fell in love with a new book then guess what? That's what you're going to be hearing about. If I've had a great day or week and I've got photos to share then you'll see them...or if I need a good chat then I'll be posting that. No more restrictions, this is going to be 100% me.

From now on there will only be one blog post a week unless I'm feeling super inspired because I want to ease myself back into blogging without making it seem like a chore. I have a few weeks before I go back to uni for my final year (so scary!) and begin my dissertation so hopefully I'll get a few scheduled ahead of time to ease all strain.

I've always had so much love and support on this blog over the last few years and I cant thank you all enough for still continuing to do so!

It's so great to be back!


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