Saturday 2 January 2016


hey guys, so I want to begin with saying that we are really sorry about how inactive we have been over the last two months. If you follow us on twitter then you will know that we have both gone off to university. This is a huge step and we went to different places and naturally, it means that we have to leave our old lives and sometimes friends behind.

Beginning a new chapter in your life can be really scary because everything is obviously going to be new and no matter how much you may try to keep your life the same as it was, it wont happen. Not fully at least. And thats's okay because nothing is supposed to stay the same forever. That's how we grow as people and have new experiences.

While I miss some of the people who are more absent out of my life, I know that we are all going on to do the things that we love and we are trying to better ourselves so I know that the distance is worth it. I have been spending the last few months (that I've been inactive) trying to better myself, focusing on developing new relationships with the new people in my life and figuring out more ways in which I can begin to accept myself and truly be content with who I am.

This officially means that I am back to blogging and you can expect a new blog post every week/2 weeks.

Thank you all for your constant support in everything that we do.
I love you
- Louise xoxo

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