Wednesday, 16 April 2014

A Daily Battle

"Recovery is a daily battle. You have to choose recovery every day"

This is something that I have to tell myself every day. Whenever I see people saying that they have tried to recover but its just not working for them I think of this. Recovery does not work for you if you do not work for it (and yes I know that its not that easy). The point is, no matter what set backs you may receive, it is never too late to incorporate a positive and healthy attitude into your day. Recovery is a lifestyle not just a stage. Its not something that you can just chose when you wake up one morning and then suddenly everything's fine. It doesn't work that way, its a daily battle but I have to tell you, its one of the most wonderful experiences and rewarding battles I have ever faced. The best thing about it is I get to re-live it every day! There is no one single day that is the same as another. I learn new things to help me with my self care and my recovery everyday and it is SO empowering and fascinating!!!! 

Recovery can be incorporated into your day in so many ways, maybe through choosing to eat that meal, putting those blades down, talking to a loved one etc. These are just small things that help in your recovery (and remember recovery is a personal thing so adapt it to suit you).

Remember this when you're beating yourself up because you have "ruined your recovery". Its never too late to turn it all around.
Stay strong
- Louise xoxo


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